Wednesday, February 21, 2007

the start of the diploma

I love what I am doing. On Monday night I couldn't sleep because I kept giggling to myself, feeling very lucky. I go around feeling almost guilty, because I am doing something I really and passionately love, and it excites me so much.

The pile of assessments to be done this year is overwhelming; among other things, I will be making two books, as in books that get published and sold (hopefully). Or at least be closely integrated into the editing/typesetting/printing process. As well as doing one million other things that will be assessed.

I have been so absorbed in my work over the past few weeks that sitting in a classroom and soaking up information feels strange. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to fit work around all these assignments, as well as 15 hours of classes. But somehow I will, because I love it and I want to do this for ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So pleased that the course is everything you wanted it to be.