Thursday, September 07, 2006

back from the dead

I went back to the bookfair with my cousins on Sunday, after Hospice, and got a few books. We had coffee at Mojo in the Old Bank Arcade afterwards, which was fun, except I was feeling really ill, so I said about three words.

I managed to persuade Student Health to give me an urgent appointment on Monday, as I woke up feeling worse than I had on Sunday. I saw the nurse first, who took my temperature (high) and pulse (fast), looked in my ears, and made an appointment for me to see the doctor an hour later. I had until 5pm until my assignment was due, and it was sort-of finished, just needed some polishing. As my appointment with the doctor was at 4:15pm, I didn't want to wait to hand in my assignment, in case the doctor was late and/or the appointment took awhile. So I did a rushed polish-and-edit, handed it in, and ran back to Student Health. The doctor (who was the doctor on 'urgent appointment duty', and not as friendly as my favourite, Sue) said that I have a head cold, and that the pain in my ear and neck and glands are from some blocked fluid tubes under my ear. This explains the sore throat, headaches, and runny nose. So unfortunately, all I can do is rest, take 2 panadol tablets 4-hourly to reduce the high temperature and pain, drink lots of fluids, the usual sorry-we-can't-really-help story. However, I do have some penicillin to take three times a day, which will help my ulcers. It hurts to talk properly at the moment, that's how bad they are; I've been talking like a New York resident lately, out of the side of my mouth. I think my body is sending me a serious message..

Unfortunately, I have to give a seminar on a Coleridge poem on Monday. It only needs to be about half an hour (not as arduous as the three hour seminar I did on Oscar Wilde last semester!), but given that all I want to do is bury my head under the pillows and go to sleep, and that I can hardly talk, I don't think it's going to go very well. But I guess it's better to do it now than later, because the second half of my Coleridge assignment is due in about a month, and there is so much work to be done. Sheesh. I was hardly busy at all before the holidays, now I'm rushing around in a manner reminiscent of a decapitated fowl, and ill on top of that.

And the washing pile never gets any smaller, even when I stay in pyjamas all day..

P.S. I'm currently addicted to trademe, looking for things to furnish our house with. Jeremy likes board games, so I was looking through the toys category, when I saw this:
Ghettopoly - the illest game in da HOOD!!
Buying stolen properties, pimpin hoes, building crack houses and projects, paying protection fees and getting car jacked are some of the elements of the game. Not dope enough?...If you don't have the money that you owe to the loan shark you might just land yourself in da Emergency Room.The funniest, most contraversal game in gotta have one!This will be your last chance to own this fantastic game, coz it ain't being made no more!!

Bad spelling must be very 'gangster'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gangsta? Prostituting garden implements?