Friday, August 11, 2006

a fond farewell

Last farewells: a shared meal, a goodbye hug. A 'travel safely' said to replace what I really wanted to say - the true thoughts: awkward things like 'I'll really miss you two' and 'I'm so proud of you both'. Our acquaintance hasn't been relatively long, and shyness all round means that friendships are only just forming, but those are the thoughts that have been running through my head. Writing the card was tough, as there is a fine line between sincerity and being cloying. The goodbye present was the 'tuwhare' CD, which we both love to listen to, and hope they can enjoy as well: an abstract piece of home, something to carry them back from their Boston apartment to their former house in Kelburn, remember the light of the sun back here, the hills and the harbour, and feel closer.

Sitting here in the post-grad lab at Uni, I feel a bit weepy at the thought of the goodbye. I have leaky tearducts especially at moments like these. I had a wee cry last night, when I was alone in my wakefulness, and the room was quiet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah, its Debs Carr here. I hope you don't mind I am reading this, but I found it on your facebook account. Do you remember when you were younger, this Babysitters Club book where they went to New York? And Claudia was upset about how Mallory was doing well in the art class but Claudia wasn't. So the last sentence of one of her entries said "I ate a pretzel. It had no flavour. I did not care." I just remember you loved that line and for some reason the last line you wrote in this entry reminded me of it. Anyway! I'm not sure why I'm writing this but I thought you might like to know :)