Monday, August 14, 2006


Well, today I'm going to enrol in a nightschool class for the first time. Actually, I did some after-school classes when I was younger (cooking, pottery, calligraphy), but I've always wanted to go to nightschool. I remember when my Mum went to classes to learn how to use Microsoft Word, back when we had Windows 3.1 and everything was just a bit foreign. But my class is computer-related too. I want to learn how to use Adobe InDesign, because that is the primary tool for publishers who are making books. And by that statement, here I am admitting my plans for next year: I want to do a Diploma in Publishing, at Whitireia Polytechnic. (The course details are here: )I'd never thought about studying at a polytechnic before, but Whitireia is the only place that offers this course. And getting some practical experience will be beneficial, instead of just reading books. Which, ultimately, is what I'd like to do for a job. No, let's be more specific. I want to correct spelling and grammar mistakes, and read manuscripts, and do typesetting, and just generally be involved with the production of books. This course offers experience throughout the whole process, from manuscript assessment to typesetting to cover design to marketing/distribution. Only stumbling block? I have to make a shortlist, then pass an interview. And the thought of that seems really quite frightening. I'm terrified of rejection (who isn't?), and it seems like I'm putting all my hope into this one course. If I don't get in, then what am I going to do?? And how will I feel? Still, there are other ways into the publishing industry - I just want this to be the way I get in. Therefore (heading back to the nightschool topic), I'm trying to show initiative, and do something that will help my application.

So that's number one on my list of Things To Do Today. I also have to call Philips to discuss some problems with our DVD player, go to Uni and do some photocopying/finish my readings for class/go to class. Oh, and that pesky essay is demanding attention also. Jeremy makes dinner on Monday nights, so I can do work at Uni after my class, and come home to something-that-is-always-yum.

But at the moment, I'm looking at 'holiday homes to rent' sites. Jeremy and I are planning to go away for a weekend, either to the Wairarapa, or further afield, perhaps Hawkes Bay or even Taranaki. I haven't been to the East Coast for years, so it would be a nice trip.

Talking of trips, Jeremy and I went for a daytrip on Saturday, through the Wairarapa to Masterton. When we woke up at 7am, I said, "Let's go to Masterton". Jeremy said, "Why would you want to do that?" I (having never been there) said, "I've never been there. And it's such a nice day. And I'm getting claustrophobic here in Wellington." So, we went. Masterton wasn't actually that bad, in fact it was quite warm and pleasant. We had lunch, then drove back through Carterton (for some reason I thought Carterton was on the coast, but I was getting it confused with Castlepoint) and Greytown, stopping to buy fruit, vegetables, 'real fruit icecream' (H: tamarillo; J: Milo), and one chocolate each from the Schoc Chocolates shop. They are expensive, about $2.50 each, but despite our tight budget we allowed ourselves a treat. I had a 'boysenberry whisky truffle' and J had a coffee truffle. They were delicious. We nibbled at them later that night over a game of Scrabble.

Before I met Jeremy, I'd played one game of Scrabble in living memory, with Nick and his father and his father's partner. However, Jeremy used to play lots with his grandfather, and also with his aunts and uncles, so I always claim a distinct disadvantage. However, we played on Saturday night, and Jeremy totally won, although he graciously decided not to add up the scores. I challenged him to a rematch on Sunday afternoon, and this time we added up the scores - and I won! By about 30 points! Okay, so it was probably a fluke. But it gave me some confidence, and we are hopefully going to play more regularly, so I can improve my skills. And at least now I know some of the rules- Jeremy did neglect to fill me in on a couple..

Okay. This has been a procrasti-blog; I should get on the scooter and scoot to University. Yikes, I've had a few run-ins with rude motorists lately. You try to help the environment by driving a moped instead of a motorcar, and all you get is people trying to cut you off, honking at you, overtaking you when you are doing 50km/h and in the middle of the lane anyway!!

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