Tuesday, August 08, 2006

mish-mash of thoughts

I'm quite bad at constructing logical narratives, so I'm just going to keep jumping around, and hope that my readers stay with me.

So. The saga of sleep continues. On Monday night, I was awake from 3:00 - 4:30am, but not due to bad dreams. I woke up many other times, consecutively 'too hot', followed by 'too cold' an hour later. I think we have too many blankets on our bed (5!). Jeremy woke up at 4:00am, also too hot, and he kept me company for a few minutes. It was nice to have the solitude broken a little. Last night was just broken sleep, until 5:30am when Jeremy got up to get ready to catch the plane (see below).

I have been meaning to write about the weekend just past, as it was really quite fun.
Saturday: both woke up at 6:45am, without an alarm, so decided to get up and go the farmers market at Moore Wilson's in Porirua. Jeremy had to go to work quickly, so I got some breakfast from New World and we got to the market around 9am. It sure was delicious! We taste-tested just about everything on offer, and Jeremy also ate some grilled meats. We bought a new type of pesto ('Asian Mint', which means mint, coriander, lime, cashew nuts, and etc), and some fresh-pressed apple juice from a boutique orchard in Greytown - it is refreshingly natural, with no added sugars or preservatives. We also got some fish from Pacific Catch, and on the way back to the car Jeremy went back to the markets to buy me some daffodils. I was happy.
We decided to continue our spree, and buy some clothes. We stopped off on the way home at Dressmart in Tawa, where Jeremy got a pair of shoes, some socks, and two really swish merino jerseys (only $29 each!). And I bought apples and half a pumpkin from the vegetable market in the carpark. We had lunch at home, by which time Jeremy was feeling sufficiently guilty enough to offer to buy me some clothes too (he may tell that story a little differently...), so we went into the central city, where I got two dresses and a new white t-shirt (my other two were going slightly greyish, ugh). Neither of us have bought new things for a long time, being on a tight budget, but Jeremy got a nice payment from the RNZAF for all the practices for the rugby performance and the recent weekend tour, so we decided to have some treats.

Dinner was fresh hoki with the new pesto, and dessert was cocktails at Jeremy's aunts (my aunt-in-law?) house; a welcome-home party for her husband (uncle-in-law?). That was very fun indeed, as it included wearing a nice dress and my red shoes from the wedding.

Sunday: accidental sleep in. We had intended to go to church, but Jeremy got up and made coffee without waking me up, and I didn't surface until 9:30am. Oops. So Jeremy also made me brunch (I am very well looked after on weekends), and I went to the Hospice for my fortnightly duty. We did some chores in the afternoon (ho hum), and then went to the "Farewell to Mark and Sarah from Jeremy's extended family" dinner at Kazu. It was very good food (endame, sushi, and kushiage), but took about one hundred years to get to our table. Hence, many pots of green tea were drunk.

Another farewell dinner for above on Thursday evening, which will also be fun. Jeremy and I are planning to buy a little present, which hopefully they will like. It will be the last time we will see them until June next year. I know we are both going to miss them. I really liked having them over for dinner last week, it was nice and relaxed and Jeremy and I both enjoyed having extended conversation with them.

The wonders of e-mail and digital cameras shall hopefully make the distance seem less.

And on a different topic, here is a link to one of my favourite websites. And before anyone remarks, I found this site independent of Jeremy. :
Probably only interesting for people in Wellington; I'm sure I wouldn't have been interested when I was living in Auckland. But it is fun to check it after you feel an earthquake, and see where it measured on the Richter scale.

I happen to quite like earthquakes, even the big scary ones. Perhaps they are still a novelty? Something interesting always seems to happen when an earthquake strikes, like all my books and cds rattling, or doors opening by themselves... But my favourite memory has to be the time there was a big "bang" sort of earthquake, like the earth shifting really rapidly and violently beneath you, lasting about one second. I was hanging out with my then-flatmate Ben, who got totally freaked out, and somehow managed to leap under the dining table. Apparently this is possible.

Jeremy has been working at the Auckland branch of the company today, so I have to pick him up from the airport in a few hours. How jet-set! I shall make something warm and filling for our tea, a red curry perhaps, with aforementioned half a pumpkin. I made a 'pumpkin and potato red curry' when Mark and Sarah came over for dinner, which was... interesting. But everyone was very polite about it! However, I think I might try something different tonight.

Anyway, I should go and continue being a housewife. It's a big shambles here right now, because last night we finally picked up the chest of drawers that Jeremy's parents are kindly lending us, and thus I have unpacked the jumpers and things that were still in boxes, onto the floor. They are yet to make it into the actual drawers. But when this is all sorted, everything will look really tidy and orderly. Just the way I like it!

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