Tuesday, September 04, 2007

six pack two

I'm writing this as I nurse my burned tongue; I was fully conscious when I poured boiling water onto my apple tea, yet somehow forgot as I took a large gulp a moment later...

I haven't been updating because I have been super-busy, and also in Auckland recently. I came back on Saturday evening, and have been catching up on errands since then. Like, today: I went to pick up my next month's supply of Neupogen. The oncology nurses always look at me askance when I say "I'm Hannah Bennett, I'm here to pick up my G-CSF, it's in your fridge". I think it's because the drug is intended for cancer patients, to increase their white blood cell count after their chemotherapy treatment. But also, handily, it works for my genetic mess-up... Anyway, another $1000 of drugs are in the fridge to keep me going this month.

I recently joined Immune Deficiency Foundation of New Zealand (IDFNZ), who have been so great. They sent me lots of information on cyclical neutropenia, although I had already found out most of it through the internet. They also sent me two tickets to a variety show in Wellington, which had been raising funds for the Foundation and had sent IDF some free tickets. We had something on that night already, but it's the thought, right? But the best part of belonging to IDFNZ so far is finding out about their holiday homes. When I was originally looking at their site, I saw that they ran a holiday home in Red Beach (just north of Auckland), which was paid for, set up by, and continues to be sponsored by the local Lions Club, and any member of the foundation (and their family) can stay there for free. I received the latest newsletter when I signed up to the Foundation, and in it was an announcement that they had recently set up another home in Otaki (about an hour north of Wellington). The house is brand new, and comes fully supplied with everything you could need. Finding this out was a real blessing to Jeremy and me, because we have been working so hard lately, and really feel like we need a break. Yes, we did go away for our wedding anniversary in July, but since then I have worked crazy hours and have had two colds. So, I'm waiting to hear which weekends the house will be available, and we will be jumping into our new little red car (other piece of news) and spending a weekend walking on the beach and reading.

Lastly, the first book I've ever made was launched on Sunday. You can read more about it here: http://nzbookmonth.co.nz/sixpack.aspx

And here is an image of the cover of the book, so you know what it looks like. Except the cover changed slightly (at the very last minute); it doesn't have the $6 flash on it. But you get the idea. I'd like to reiterate once more that it only costs $6. So you can all buy it. There is a good mix of stories, and also my name is on the imprint page. What more could you want?

Jeremy is almost home from work. That is my favourite time of day.

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