Monday, April 16, 2007

auckland photos

Here are some photos from our all-too-brief trip to Auckland last week. There is never enough time to do all the things we plan. Except there is always time to eat at Fatima's. I wish they would open a Wellington store.

Mum's new house, photo taken from the driveway

The view from one of the upstairs bedrooms; that is a river (well, large creek) in the middle ground. Not as scenic as the last house, but it could be worse...

This is our family, as interpreted by my potter cousin. Too much symbolism to detail here, but basically she was moved to make something for us when Dad was told he had 6 months to live. There are words from his favourite hymn engraved around the two biggest pieces, representing G & D.

In the kitchen (je suis a la cuisine) - novel use of a wine rack for a non-drinker

The chocolate bunny we brought to Auckland for my brother got a bit broken, so Jeremy made a small modification to enhance the drama..

Business class Air New Zealand seats, bought from TradeMe for a pittance. Mum just bought a home theatre system with a projector and screen and surround sound and everything, and she thought these would be fun. And it is rather fun to have a tray table and foot-rest while watching Shortland Street.

My thirteen year old brother, who is now taller than me (he doesn't look too upset about the bunny..)

I didn't know Bex was still taking photos...

At the Easter Show, on the ghost-train-that-wasn't.

Me winning the slide race...

Dispute still rages - I got to the bottom first, but J slid for longest. We called it a draw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love the novel use of the wine rack and a nice reminder of your wedding afternoon tea too. and the home theatre seats !! nice to see you having such fun at the easter show, Jeremy is really a show ride junky
Much love Wellie Mum xxx