Thursday, March 29, 2007

for now

I saw Little Children with some friends in the weekend; a film in the World Cinema Showcase. I enjoyed it, although there were a few disturbing parts. And afterwards I liked fighting the cold and wind to get to my nice, cozy house, and my nice, cozy husband.

I am in the enviable position of having too many good books to read, in fact there are six (!) waiting until I finish my current book. I am reading Colour, by Victoria Finlay, (birthday present from brother), at a rate of half a chapter a day. This is unusually slow for me, but at least I am reading consistently, after a reading crisis when I finished my Honours degree. I can't decide which of the books to read next, and have started dipping into another already, reading a page here and there. I am a compulsive book-starter, and often have four or five books next to the bed, something for every mood.

I have a meeting in five minutes to discuss a publication I am editing, to be published in November. I am looking forward to starting work on it, although the manuscripts won't be sent to me until July! Plenty of other assignments to keep me busy in the mean time...

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