Monday, October 16, 2006

no dinners

Well I have just printed out my last essay. Not counting the essays I will write in my exams, because they don’t really count as essays anyway, I figure I’ll never have to write an academic essay again. Although Jeremy is trying to convince me to think about doing a phD. I'll leave that one on the backburner for a bit.... Anyway, if I get into this publishing course next year, I doubt I’ll have to write anything longer than a few paragraphs; if I do, I’ll wipe the floor with everyone, after the four years of practise I have had!!

So I’m about to run upstairs and post it into the “other” assignment box – I am not 100-level, 200-level, or 300-level, so I assume I am “other” – then scoot back home. Freedom! (Ignoring exams..) I’m going to give myself today and tomorrow off from study, and no feeling guilty allowed! I’ve worked so hard this last fortnight. Plus, the house needs a really good clean; Jeremy and I did some chores yesterday which made a small difference, but there is still lots to be done. And I’d like to do some knitting, sewing (including some alterations and mending), write some overdue e-mails, and shop for my friend’s new-baby-present (I think I’ll get something from here:; maybe some of the little red “bubba love” felt shoes, they are so gorgeous. And made in Wellington too, which I like).

Here's how I am going to avoid having to make dinner** this week:
Tonight we are going to Stephen and Sue's house for dinner. Last time they came to our place, we made Mexican food, and challenged them to have a themed dinner when we next went to theirs (we go every few weeks, maybe once a month). I recently lent Stephen the book "Life of Pi" (READ IT! It's great), so apparently tonight's food is themed around "pies" - should be very interesting! I figure it'll be pretty good whatever we are served; Stephen used to chef at Logan Brown and Icon (schmancy restaurant in Te Papa) and various other places, so the food is always so great, and we always get three courses! Yum.
Tuesday night, I think we are going to Jeremy's parents' house for dinner, but not confirmed yet.
Wednesday night, I'm going to a dinner party at my 'Romantic Literature' lecturer’s house – turns out that one of the people I chat with each week in my class lives one street away from me! So we are carpooling.
Then on Thursday night, J and I are going to Auckland, returning on Tuesday night – I’ve only seen my family once, for a few days, since the wedding, and J has only seen them for an afternoon, so we are both looking forward to spending some time with them. I promised my brother a double batch of my secret-recipe chocolate chip cookies, so I had better get some supplies to make them..

** Last night, J made an excellent red curry with fish, while I put the finishing touches on my essay. I did some stirring of the rice, but he can take the credit, which he deserves - it was great!

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