Saturday, October 14, 2006

with cinnamon

I got to Uni at 8:45am this morning, after getting up at some godforsaken hour (well, only 7:30am - but it is a Saturday) to take Jeremy to an all-day music conference. I decided to buy myself a treat before doing work - I had half-inhaled a piece of peanut butter toast in the car on the way into town, and I was starving. I went up to Horseradish in the Kelburn shops, hoping they'd have a cinnamon scroll for me; alas, no such luck. But they had just pulled some apple and rhubarb muffins from the oven, so I'm currently working my way through one of them. And it is yum. And it has cinnamon on the top, so I guess I win all round.

Yesterday was a pretty awful day. I took the scooter to Uni, but en route, something punctured the can of v that was in my bag, and it leaked through absolutely everything. And v is worse than water, because it is sticky, and it smells so fruity. Luckily my ipod survived, but the pages of my diary are all stuck together, my pens and pencil are sticky, my new red wallet is just a little stained... BUT worst of all, my phone is fried. I was able to clean it out a little, and I managed to get it to turn on, but v just keeps leaking out of it. You wouldn't think that phones would be so sponge-like, but this appears to be. Everything seems to be fine, except the keys won't work; well, they sometimes spring into action, but they just type random numbers. My SIM card was salvagable though, so I put it into Jeremy's work phone; I'm contactable for the weekend at least. But I'm quite annoyed, because it was quite a flash phone, and I only got it in May! I shall have to start saving up for a new one.

I had my last class yesterday, and we all brought along food. I made some apricot slice, which everyone seemed to like - some people even had three or four pieces! I guess that is the best kind of feedback. Then after class, we all stood around still chatting, and organised a study/panic group meeting in a fortnight, which I am already looking forward to - I have no idea how to study for this (or the other!) paper. What should I do, read the whole Bible?! And everything that has rewritten the Bible? The lecturer basically intimated that we can write anything we like, so we should prepare a few essays in advance and memorise their main points. To me, that doesn't seem like an examination, it's more like a writing test, to get two more essays out of the student, whatever they can write down in three hours.

One last thing. I was browsing around Trade Me after winning an auction last night, and I came across this:
The description made me laugh, very dry. And the seller's response to the buyer's question down the bottom of the page was similarly amusing. Although a little geographist.

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