Monday, August 28, 2006

sitting one day, walking the next

What a busy weekend. I spent all day Saturday in a small room with 6 other people, learning how to use InDesign. It is pretty fun, and capable of so many things. The course was hard work though, because it moved so slowly (well, for my liking), e.g. spending 5 minutes going over how to open a new file, plus all the times we had to stop because two people in the class didn't know how to 'click and drag' a file. Oy.

There is a programme on TV3 at the moment called "The Perfect Age", which pits four different age groups against each other to find the 'perfect' age for doing things, e.g. making money, using technology (GPS navigation, text messages), creative arts. The groups are 'The Millennials", "Generation X", "Baby Boomers" and "The Silent Generation". Being born in 1984, this makes me a 'millennial'. Apparently, we are selfish, demanding of answers, intolerant, "what's in it for me" people, who use technology with no qualms, because that is what we have grown up with. I agree with the technology part, because I spent most of the course on Saturday working out how to do things before the instructor had even introduced the next topic - with a little logical thinking, most programmes aren't too hard to use. And it sure did fill in time while the tutor went over how to 'click and drag' files. There was a lady there, probably in her early 30's I guess, a "Generation X" member. She was terribly demanding of the tutor, and due to her lack of computer skills (one of the non-clicker-and-draggers), couldn't keep up with where we were on the screen. Thus, she would call out to the instructor something like, "My screen doesn't appear to have that option!" The instructor was very patient (probably gets this all the time with Community Education) and showed her that she was looking on the wrong menu. I tried really hard not to roll my eyes, but I was getting quite annoyed at the way she constantly blamed the computer for not having all the 'correct options', instead of realising the problem was that she couldn't keep up.

But that's probably just me being intolerant, right?


Jeremy and I went for a huge walk yesterday. We started from our house in Melrose, walked down the hill and through Kilbirnie, under the airport runway, through Strathmore, into Miramar and out the other side, until we were almost in... well, it was the back of Miramar I guess. Had lunch at Edwards Jones (and discovered a brilliant-looking pizza place, must try sometime), then walked all the way back! We estimated it was about a 6 km round-trip. Took about an hour each way, not counting lunch and a coffee. It was a good chance to talk properly about things, amidst admiring the nice houses: we had watched "Do The Right Thing" by Spike Lee the night before, and there are many interesting issues to discuss with that one! I had studied it in Film Studies in my first year but I wanted to hear what Jeremy thought of it. I definitely recommend the movie. Strangely, the video shop had classed it as "comedy". I don't think they had watched it before assigning that category.. Anyway, a good film for discussing stereotypes and race/ethnicity issues.
We walked back home via Lyall Bay, and the Warehouse: Jeremy wanted to buy a soccer ball so we can play at the park near our house. Visiting the Warehouse made me feel a bit sad. Their current promotion is Father's Day, with the slogan:

"You've got the Dad. We've got the present."

Sorry, don't have the Dad. I guess they don't have a present for me.


I promised Jeremy I would do work at Uni today, so I'd better keep my promise. Put some washing on, do the dishes, wrap up warmly, and scoot to the grad labs - the attraction of free printing is very strong.. Talking of promises, Jeremy and I are devising a new 'fitness' programme for ourselves. It involves less ginger crunch (found a good recipe recently which equals dangerous), and more playing soccer or walking around Wellington. It is staying light until 6pm now, and only going to get later, so we'll be able to do more after dinner, instead of curling up next to the heater and eating comfort food.


Nikolai H said...

I'm interested to hear what you have to say about InDesign. I have a copy of the most recent version on my machine, I bought the Adobe creative suite recently for Photoshop and Illustrator and it came with them.

Probably couldn't give you a copy, sorry, it is all registered etc. But it came with some tutorials I'll lend you.

Fight the power,

Hannah said...

Well good - we can talk about it over coffee tomorrow. It'll be good to see you, sounds like you have been really busy.

See you tomorrow, boyeee
- H

Nikolai H said...

I just wanna make pizza...