Saturday, November 17, 2007

first week

I've been in Auckland for nearly one week. My first week at work has been pretty fun; at the moment I am editing a book about dogs who have jobs. It's children's non fiction, with funny pictures. So it isn't glamorous, but it's good experience, and everyone needs to learn about dogs some time, right?

On my lunch break on Tuesday, I discovered a good sushi place (Sushi-ya) up the road from the office. I'm not meant to eat sushi; something to do with rice collecting bacteria really quickly. But Sushi-ya has a man standing there making the sushi while you walk past and take from the pile, so I figure the turnover must be pretty good. And they have delicious miso soup. Umami indeed.

Living at home is nice; there are lots of feijoa smoothies in the fridge, and I have been drinking them with my breakfast each morning. Last night we went to the supermarket and I managed to sneak lots of yum food into the trolley. I'm sure she saw, but the best part of not living with your parents is when you come to stay, they like to buy you nice food.

So another busy week coming up, and an even busier weekend. My flying visit to Wellington will include making sandwiches, a super-fun party, taking Mum back to the airport, an early Christmas lunch with Jeremy's family, and rushing back to catch my own plane. Hopefully it will also involve eating at Oaks Satay Noodle House, having (decaf) coffee on the waterfront, maybe some gelato from Kaffeeis, and seeing my cousins. It's going to be jampacked, but it will be fun. Plus, I'll get to see my (ex?) classmates, and I've been missing hanging out with them every day. Oh, and Jeremy.

Today, back here in Auckland, the sun is shining and the air is starting to warm up. I think it might be a shorts day. Later I am going to help Mum run errands, and continue plundering her cookbooks for more ideas for the graduation party next week. I think I've got the menu sorted, but I'm always open to new ideas! At the moment I'm just trying to finalise the club sandwich fillings. I'll definitely make a cream cheese, mint, and cucumber sandwich; I'm just not sure what the other option will be. How glorious: a weekend of reading cookbooks!

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