Thursday, April 19, 2007

first winter dinner party

This is the first entry from our brand new computer. It arrived yesterday - almost two weeks after it was meant to be delivered! It is all shiny and fast. Although we still have dial-up (house isn't wired for broadband), web pages load a lot faster. And it doesn't freeze every time you try to open certain pages. And it actually shuts down properly, instead of crashing. It is glorious. Jeremy is happy because it has spider solitaire.

The seasons have made a transition from summer to winter in one weekend, with no autumn to be seen. I'm holding on to the hope that this is just a cold snap, and that an autumn may still appear before I have to face the reality of winter.

Who am I kidding? Apart from the constant numbness in my hands and feet, I actually do enjoy being wrapped up in winter clothes. The challenge of needing to wear 5 jumpers but trying to remain reasonably un-snowmanlike, and, if possible, remotely fashionable. My new white woollen scarf from SVdP. Soups and stews. Waking up cold in the night and scooching over to the sleeping heater on the other side of the bed. Battening down the hatches when it starts raining, and watching the clouds roll over Bearing Head and Moa Point and across the airport runway and up to our house. Our gas heater. Long baths. My boots. And so on.

I'm going to Palmers Garden World this morning. Our rosemary and mint plants have been all used up, so I need to buy replacements. We are having friends for dinner tonight, and what is a roast lamb without mint and rosemary (and garlic)? We are having lots of vegetables too, and a couscous salad, because one of the guests is vegan. But apparently she doesn't mind if other people eat meat. Dessert will be a chocolate mud cake (because I've been craving it, but I can't bake a whole cake just for us two, because then we have to eat it all - and that isn't good for my waistline), icecream, and fruit salad. And for starters, I have made some delicious water crackers, to go with a lime and tomato dip. Very moreish.

The guests are two of J's best mates, and a girlfriend of one said friend. One of the friends is visiting from down South, and we haven't seen him since we got married. I'm really looking forward to it. Planning and preparing for dinner parties is much more fun than finishing a manuscript assessment. Maybe I shouldn't give up on my dream of becoming a pastry chef.....


Anonymous said...

hey hannah, i like this post. congrats on the new comp, but u really should upgrade from dial-up, not sure u will even be able to purchase dial up services here in the next few years haha lol. Anyways, that mud cake sounds pretty good right now, yummmm lol. well i am somewhat new to google blogger and thought i would leave a comment. please visit my site ( and leave a comment. thanks


Anonymous said...

hey hannah, i like this post. congrats on the new comp, but u really should upgrade from dial-up, not sure u will even be able to purchase dial up services here in the next few years haha lol. Anyways, that mud cake sounds pretty good right now, yummmm lol. well i am somewhat new to google blogger and thought i would leave a comment. please visit my site ( and leave a comment. thanks
