Saturday, November 18, 2006

make hay while the sun... shines?

I haven't updated for a few weeks due to extreme busy-ness. Here's the Cliff Notes version:

  • Finished Honours degree. The last week involved a lot of tears, slamming of doors, "I can't do this" (and Jeremy's "yes you can"'s). But exams were done and that was that.
  • Jeremy and I went out to dinner at Boulcott St Bistro to celebrate Honours being finished, and we drunk Champagne that was actually from France. It was delicious and I will never drink anything except Tattinger again! (I wish)
  • I finished the last exam on Friday 3rd, and on Tuesday 6th started a new job through temp agency working as an EA to a Deputy Chief Executive of a government department. I'm making ridiculous amounts of money, and working ridiculous hours (10 a day, mostly), but the job is just for about six weeks so I'm trying to take advantage of the amazing experience (and cash) - make hay while the sun shines, and all that. Except it has rained all week.
  • Above point means I leave home at 7:30am each morning and get home around 7:00pm. So when I do get home I just want to eat dinner, talk to Jeremy, and go to bed at 9:30pm. So that's what I do.
  • Trip to L.A. is getting ever closer, and I am excited about that.
  • My Mum has bought a new house, which we looked at pictures of on the internet, and it is very flash indeed, only about 2 years old. Can't wait to see it next time we are in Auckland!
  • Had some friends from Dunedin for afternoon tea a few weeks ago, which was exciting. I made a chocolate mud cake from a recipe I found in a Donna Hay magazine, and it is probably the best cake I have ever made. Oh well Jeremy helped too so I guess it's probably the best cake we have ever made.
  • Also had friends from Auckland for dessert the same night, and I made a baked cheesecake and an ice cream cake.
  • Plans for the next few weeks include watching Jeremy sing in a concert, visiting a friend who has just moved here (and playing with her adorable little 1 1/2 year old boy), and a whole heap of work.

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