Tuesday, October 31, 2006

here is a photo

Here is a photo of one of the rose bushes outside. Each day it gets more lovely. Our lawns, however, do not get more lovely each day. The landlord is meant to mow them..

My mini-garden. I bought the two top plants yesterday. I think I have caught a gardening bug, perhaps all the spring air? Anyway, we had quarter of a bag of potting mix left after the herb planting, so I bought two plants (99c each) and potted them. Notice the herb plant is sitting on one of my old plates - I have a surplus so this is a good way to utilise them!

Here is a photo of the airport from our balcony. I was taking the picture of Lyall Bay actually, but I liked the way the plane looked, slinking along the runway.

Here is a photo taken a few seconds later from our bedroom window. You can see the Kilbirnie bus depot, and the Orongorongos (J will correct me if I'm wrong), as well as the plane importantly on its way somewhere. The morning view from this window is really lovely. Jeremy stands there peeking through the curtains each morning to try and ascertain the weather for the day, with the added bonus of looking at the hazy hills in the distance. I like it how he likes hills.

Here is a photo from last night when Jeremy and I had our first sparklers of the year. This photo is of Jeremy concentrating hard on writing his name. Why does everyone do that? I guess it is just what you do. It was raining at the time, but we were safe and dry under the front veranda. I had grand visions of standing on the balcony to wave sparklers at the planes, but no luck. Maybe tonight instead?
I've been rather snap-happy lately, perhaps because I'm procrastinating in the extreme - not long until the final exam!

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